

Macintosh Web Sites

Apple Computer is the producer of the MacOS and Macintosh computers.

Apple's AppleScript site is the official AppleScript source.

The MacOS Software & Hardware Guide is a good place to find products.

Walter's Web is a great place to look for AppleScript information.

Digital Technologies' FaceSpan adds custom interfaces to AppleScript. (Recommended!)

Amiga Web Sites

Amiga Technologies is the producer of Amiga computers.

The Amiga Web Directory has an extensive listing of Amiga pages.

Aminet is where you'll find Amiga related files to download.

The Amiga Zone is a popular Amiga starting point.

DTP Web Sites

The Internet DTP Jumplist is a good starting page to find more publishing information.


The newsgroup comp.sys.amiga.applications covers Amiga application software.

The newsgroup comp.sys.mac.app covers Macintosh application software.

The newsgroup comp.fonts covers issues relating to digital typography.

The newsgroup comp.text.desktop covers the technology and techniques of desktop publishing.


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